Switching To WordPress

Switching To WordPress

Just letting you all know that I'm finally moving my blog from Blogger (I know!) to WordPress. So the site may look funky off and on. Bear with me, please. Having programmer-friendly blogging software will be great (and, besides, Blogger is removing support for FTP publishing, which is how I push content to my servers.)

- Do Wine Blogs Matter?
I wrote an article for the San Francisco Chronicle about wine blogs and their effect on the market. I had hoped to make that announcement the new post on the WordPress version of this site, but the conversion looks like it will take a while....

- New Feature: Web Snacks
I just added a new feature to OWF. I call it "Derrick's Web Snacks," and it's nothing more than links I find interesting. Most will be about food—it's an obsession of mine, you know—but some will be about my diverse interests....

- Owf Mentioned In The Sf Chronicle (sort Of)
My friend Russell went to Web 2.0, and sat next to a reporter in one session. They started talking about RSS, and the reporter wrote a story about this technology. To illustrate Russell's breadth of reading material, the reporter called out a couple...

- Syndication
Another administrative note. I promise to get back to food writing soon. Like in the next day or two. Anyway, I've set up a syndication feed for this site. Point your favorite aggregrator software to http:/www.obsessionwithfood.com/site-feed.rss. Don't...

- Un-new Year's Resolutions
I don't make New Year's resolutions. I always figure that I'm reasonably good about making changes at other points of the year, so why make a point of it on January 1? But this year the changes I want to make happened to take place around...

