New Feature: Web Snacks

New Feature: Web Snacks

I just added a new feature to OWF. I call it "Derrick's Web Snacks," and it's nothing more than links I find interesting. Most will be about food—it's an obsession of mine, you know—but some will be about my diverse interests. It's anything I think might be good for a quick read if you're looking for a break but doesn't deserve a post in its own right. If it doesn't show up for you on the right, leave a comment and tell me your browser and operating system.

MovableType and Wordpress probably have this feature out of the box, but I use Blogger, a flint axe in a Bronze Age of publishing solutions. It wasn't easy to add. If you like geeky web things, click here for my description of the process.

If you really despise visiting blogs, Snacks has its own RSS feed

- Hot!
It's official, food blogs are hot stuff. The latest article to feature Cooking with Amy and a recipe to boot, is in my hometown paper, the San Francisco Chronicle. A big thanks to Chronicle food writer Amanda Berne for such a great article profiling...

- Snack Time
And what does my toddler like to snack on? Why, Nori Snacks and pickled Ginger, of course! I'm not making this up. Alex loves them both. He'll happily snack away on both. Matt and I say we're giving him all the advantages we never had. And...

- Conversion Limbo
This conversion from Blogger to WordPress isn't going very well. The main problem at this point is that Blogger's export of posts cuts off after about 3 megs, or about one-eighth of my content. Meanwhile, Google has taken away my ability to post...

- Remember That Survey? Here Are The Results
Back in September, I asked you to participate in a survey to help me better understand my readers. I had 135 responses, which I estimated to be 2.7 percent of my readership at the time. (My readership is a larger number than my daily visitor count, because...

- Update To Food Blogroll
I have finally updated my "blogroll," the list of links down the side of the page. I gave up on ever keeping it up to date, and then I discovered that my RSS reader can generate a blogroll for me. The new entries (just my food folder) don't have my...

