Swirl Cinnamon Bread/French Toast

Swirl Cinnamon Bread/French Toast

Double-duty recipe, another from Tate's Bake Shop: Zvi's Cinnamon Swirl Bread.

It takes forever to make this bread; after mixing, it sits for an hour. Shape it, wait an hour. And after it's all ready? Bakes for over an hour!

But it's worth it...seriously good bread.

And on the author's recommendation, I turned several slices into French toast. Most excellent.

The recipe makes three loaves, which means with two still in the freezer, the guys will have all the cinnamon-y goodness they can stand.

Blog Party#15 is here, and this month, we're hitting the books! That's right, we're taking inspiration from our favorite stories and turning them into appetizers and cocktails! Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 19 October...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 21st. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Breakfast + Baking + Bread + Cinnamonr + Cookbooks

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