Sweet Starts

Sweet Starts

It's silly, I know; but if I don't provide Matt with some sort of breakfast food, he just won't eat. Some time ago, I allowed Pop Tarts to be taken to work, because at least it meant he was eating.

Then I decided Pop Tarts were too sugary, too processed and preserved, and that I was going to have to take charge.

It's one thing to make 'cheesy eggs', pancakes, waffles or French toast for Alex each morning. I can do it right there, each time. For Matt, I need to make something that can last the entire week, and that he can take with him.

I've made scones, coffee cakes, muffins, and more. This week, it was Gale Gand's Cinnamon Buns.

They take a bit of work.

Prepare the dough, let it sit in the refrigerator for at least two hours. Roll out, cover with butter and cinnamon sugar, put it back in the fridge. Prepare 'schmear', and put in bottom of muffin tin. Cut rolls, put on top of 'schmear'. Let them sit around again. Finally, bake. Top with icing, if you want...we didn't.

After Matt went to bed, I put the cooled rolls in plastic containers; five to a bin. In the morning, I told him to take one of the containers to work. He'd already extracted one, so he went off to work.

In his email later that day, he lamented bringing only one...they were really good, and he wished he had more.

My reply? "When will people learn to listen to me?"

The rolls are sweet enough without the icing, so unless you prefer sugar overload...skip it.

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.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } As if it's not enough that we're notoriously bad at eating our vegetables...

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