Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day...

Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day...

The time: Tuesday morning, 1:21 am.

The scene: My kitchen

"Oh, crap...Matt doesn't have anything for breakfast! But it's so, I'm sure I can find something to make that won't keep me up all night. I hope."

I keep crazy hours. I know I shouldn't, but I do. I was cleaning up the kitchen, and hurrying so I could take a shower, when I realized I hadn't made anything for Matt to take to work.

Fortunately, I have an emergency stash of recipes, that I keep clipped to our authentically 50's metal kitchen cabinets, for occasions such as this.

Skipping the first, because I didn't have white cheddar cheese in the refrigerator, I found Key Lime Muffins next in line.

I didn't have Key Limes, but Matt did come home from the grocery store with a bag of regular limes last weekend.

Ok, this might work. difficult, out-of-stock ingredients. Throw everything together (ok, there was some zesting), pour it into a muffin pan, and bake.

Great. So that's what I did. And while the muffins baked, I got my washing up and pre-shower rituals out of the way.

Muffins come out to cool, I take a quick shower. I'm clean, and now whisk together lime juice, zest and powdered sugar for a glaze. A few minutes to set, and Matt has breakfast.

(see all that gooey lime icing?)

You can just pick out the green from the zest here (and you'll notice I cleaned up between pictures!)

Matt was surprised to find Ziplock baggies filled with citrus-y goodness, and has already downed half. Easy to make, quick to bake...just like the recipe claims!

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