Spit Like A Pro

Spit Like A Pro

A co-worker pointed me toward this Slate article about professional wine-spitting technique. I am not a great spitter, but I can feel Steinberger's piece tugging at my obsessive streak.

- The Subjectiveness Of Smell
Slate's Mike Steinberger continues his look at the physiology of tasting wine with a probing of the nose. There's some good information there, and it reinforces what I already tell my students: You are always right about what you smell and what...

- Where Does Wine Lingo Come From?
Mike Steinberger has an interesting piece at Slate about how the modern wine tasting note, the "cherry-and-berry" style to use his term, came about. I have struggled to make my tasting notes readable, both here and in print, but I grew up in the "list...

- Slate On Pollan's Latest
Every food blogger has pointed to Pollan's sprawling New York Times article about "nutritionism." I'll add my voice to the multitude: You should read it. Because I enjoy being perverse, however, I'd also suggest that you read Slate's...

- Invest In Swedish Vineyards
This article at Slate details how global warming might affect the northernmost wine regions and improve the quality of the grapes. This isn't particularly new—Gastronomica ran a similar article years ago—but it is interesting. The wine growers...

- Journal Of A Wine Writer
Slate is running an article about a wine professional spending a week in Bordeaux. It's well written and gives a good image of what this life might be like....

