Journal of a Wine Writer

Journal of a Wine Writer

Slate is running an article about a wine professional spending a week in Bordeaux. It's well written and gives a good image of what this life might be like.

- Food Writers Are Blogging
While the phenomenon of food bloggers turning into professional food writers is nothing new, lately professional food writers seem to be turning into bloggers. Here are a few blogs written by professional food writers that I am really enjoying at the...

- Beer Glasses (not Goggles), Sf Chronicle
Delve into wine even a little bit, and you'll quickly discover the fetishistic appreciation of glassware. Crystal companies have made serious bank convincing the world that it needs a different wine glass for every style of wine, a marketing message...

- Invest In Swedish Vineyards
This article at Slate details how global warming might affect the northernmost wine regions and improve the quality of the grapes. This isn't particularly new—Gastronomica ran a similar article years ago—but it is interesting. The wine growers...

- Red Wine And Cheese
The food world went ballistic last month when news broke that a forthcoming study debunked the notion that wine and cheese go well together. Over at Slate, Mike Steinberger tries to calm the panic by looking at a draft of the study. Yes, he says, the...

- Mexican Wine
I just noticed this article about wine producers in Mexico. The article suggests that quality wine is being made in Mexico. It might seem odd to be growing grapes that close to the equator, but I'd be interested in trying some. I just find it annoying...

