Sour Death Balls

Sour Death Balls

My friend Joe sent around a link to this charming short film from 1993 of people eating Sour Death Balls. What do you look like when you eat one of these tart candies? Find out by watching other people’s expressions.

- Go To Jojo
Over the years, I have urged my Bay Area readers to go to Jojo in Oakland. Sometimes I’ve done so overtly, but I have always kept a link to it on the right side of this blog. Melissa and I have many happy memories tied to the restaurant and its...

- Yuck
I lifted the spoon, with its drab, brown pile, into my mouth, and I bit down. Well, no. I didn’t bite down. My teeth squished through a mouthful of cotton balls. My tongue curled away from the sticky, coating mass, which tasted and felt like soggy,...

- Batali's Blog
Some of you may recall Mario Batali’s June article about food bloggers. It caused quite a stir in our thriving community, even though he really vented about one non-fact that he wanted to clarify, changing a potentially interesting article into...

- Ratatouille
You're probably sick of reading about it by now, but I'll add my voice to the chorus of huzzahs for Ratatouille, Pixar's latest animated feature film. The story isn't anything new, but the animation and the food motif make this charming...

- Julia
Most of you probably already know that Julia Child died yesterday just days from her 92nd birthday. Eulogies have appeared, and will continue to appear, in newspapers and blogs around the country and even the world. Alaina provides nice coverage of these...

