

Most of you probably already know that Julia Child died yesterday just days from her 92nd birthday. Eulogies have appeared, and will continue to appear, in newspapers and blogs around the country and even the world. Alaina provides nice coverage of these eulogies at NYC Eats. Perhaps most touching in the blogosphere is Julie Powell's first post in nine months.

I promised Melissa that soon we'll do a meal from Mastering the Art of French Cooking, perhaps one of the most influential cookbooks to appear in America in the last forty years. Of all Julia's books, this, co-written with Simone Beck and Louisette Berthole, will be the one that people remember the most.

I also dragged some people at work to Tartine, a French bakery and sandwich place near work.

Julia Child lived a momentous and long life and died quietly in her sleep, seemingly unfettered by mental deterioration to judge from recent interviews. She had the life and death we all yearn for.

- On Julia Child's 100 Birthday
Today marks what would have been Julia Child's 100th birthday. She's a bit like America's culinary mother, the woman who encouraged and cajoled us into the kitchen to be become better cooks, with her humor and her can do attitude. I...

- Interview With Nora Ephron
Have you gone to see Julie & Julia yet? I saw it in a preview screening, but I'm eager to see it again, especially for all the Julia Child scenes and all the food. While I missed out on an exclusive interview opportunity with the stars of the...

So I didn't fool too many people with my quiz. I hope you had fun with it anyway! The Julia Child quote, according to Anne Willian anyway, is "One of the secrets of cooking is to correct something if you can or live with it if you cannot" So the...

- Julia Child Contest
I am still savoring my Summer edition of Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture. It was an entire issue devoted to none other than Julia Child. There are interviews, remembrances, stories, poems, songs and even a picture of Julia in the bathtub...

- Cross Post: Well, Which Is It?
Melissa suggested I re-post this after its arrival on OWEE, even though the post is less about Julia Child and more about odd discrepancies among her biographers. The other day, I spent some time at the library, researching a particular aspect of Julia...

