Batali's Blog

Batali's Blog

Some of you may recall Mario Batali’s June article about food bloggers. It caused quite a stir in our thriving community, even though he really vented about one non-fact that he wanted to clarify, changing a potentially interesting article into a portrait of misinformation.

But Regina at Gastropoda posted a note that Batali has started to blog at Serious Eats. I’m tempted to launch “snarky vituperatives from behind the smoky curtain of the web,” which is what his article suggested we all do, but I guess if he’s a food blogger now, he can do that himself. I’m sure he’ll show us veterans how it’s done, assuming he can sustain his blog for long enough.

(Note: Sorry for those who clicked on the earlier link only to find that it was an old, old blog. It just goes to show that when you snark about someone else’s misinformation, you always end up making a mistake yourself.)

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