Barrel Alternatives In Today's Chronicle

Barrel Alternatives In Today's Chronicle

Last week, one of my students asked me about a practice he had heard of where winemakers add chips to wine instead of putting it in barrel. I replied, “I’m pretty sure that the Chronicle will run a lead story about that topic next week.” How did I know? I’m the author. (My original title was “Staving Off Critics And Chipping Away At Costs,” but the silly puns didn’t make it all the way through.) Be sure to check out the photos.

Also, thanks to a tip from Jack, I submitted my first Sipping News piece about an oddly shaped wineglass. It’s not a big deal, but it was fun to do.

- San Francisco Chronicle: Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc At A Crossroads
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- Serendipity: A Bit Of Esoteric Wine History
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- 2004 Parducci "true Grit" Petite Sirah, Mendocino, California
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- Paul Levy Opts Out Of Bad-boy Writing
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- Plant Vines In Sweden!
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