Shopping=Photo Ops

Shopping=Photo Ops

While shopping at our Super Target a few weeks ago, Matt pointed out these boxes of frozen baby foods.

The 'baby dhal' got me, so out came the camera.

While heading back to the car, cart weighed down by many purchases (damn you, Target, for having so many nice things!), I couldn't escape the beauty and redness of the trees dotting the lot.

I'm not sure if they 'paved paradise' to put up this parking lot, but it's nice to see a little nature among the concrete.

- I Heart Instacart!
Since August I have ordered groceries from the online delivery service Instacart more than 10 times. Crazy, right? Not at all. I am absolutely thrilled with their service and here’s why: ChoiceI can choose from among several stores. Not just big...

- Shopping For The Hunger Challenge
There will be no coffee, no tea, no chocolate, no ice cream this week. No matter how much I stretched my budget shopping at less expensive stores this year, some things are just out of the question. In the past I have shopped at Safeway and at Whole...

- Cookbook Spotlight: Deborah Madison's Seasonal Fruit Desserts
Well, hey! I'm only slightly late this time. Go me. Despite my current blogging malaise, I was happy to hear from Cath (Ok, I'm always happy to hear from her) about the prospect of a new Cookbook Spotlight. A caveat: I'm not a fan of cooked...

- It Doesn't Have To Be Pretty To Taste Good
Let's be honest: we don't post photos of every single thing we eat (unless you're Sam, or inspired by her). I think it's equal parts embarrassment (peanut butter & cheese sandwich) and lack of photogenic-ness (new word!) (buffet of refrigerator...

- Maybe Not 30 Minutes, But Close!
Due to some issues Thursday, we postponed our weekly grocery shopping trip and went out Friday. Friday was also the day Alex decided he did not, in fact, need to sleep during nap time. We didn't get started until around six, and had three stores...

