She Just Doesn't Charge Enough!

She Just Doesn't Charge Enough!

My Mom really wanted to send down some cookies for Matt. But, she was so swamped over the Christmas holiday, she didn't really feel like it.

Still, she wanted him to have cookies, and when she thought about it, realized they were exactly Alex-sized.

So, we got this in the mail late last week

How adorable are they?

Oh, and this is my chance to brag...and have a really weird role-reversal moment: Mom's GPA for her first term at culinary school was 3.68. Yay! She got high honors, and (not surprisingly), perfect attendance. Go, Mom!

I admit it, I'm a Food Network addict. So I was very amused by the Armchair Cook's version of The Twelve Days of Christmas. You think you made a lot treats this holiday season? I bet you didn't make as many as Culinary in the Desert! Check...

- Don't Feed The Animals
But feeding animal cookies to kids is just fine! Early this summer, we spent a day at the zoo with my mom, step-dad, youngest sister and her boyfriend. We came back to our house for a cook-out, and at some point, mom handed Alex a bag filled with these...

- Pitter Patter
Not here! Oh, heavens, no. It's not me. Alex's kindergarten teacher is leaving for maternity leave after today, so I thought I'd send her off with something sweet. An idea borrowed from my mom, little baby feet cookies! She sent out cookies...

- Bbm Package Has Arrived...and I'm A Tim Tams Convert.
For me, the weirdest part of Blogging by Mail is selecting the blogger who will send something to me. I could play favorites, but I don't. I try to be fair, and match everyone based on compatibility. It's still strange, though, to tell someone...

- A Christmas Present For Someone...
In real life, I'm not at all well-planned with regards to Christmas presents. I usually buy my last Christmas presents on the 23rd - and the first somewhere around the 22nd. But this one was going places, so I had to get it done early. And today,...

