
I admit it, I'm a Food Network addict. So I was very amused by the Armchair Cook's version of The Twelve Days of Christmas.

You think you made a lot treats this holiday season? I bet you didn't make as many as Culinary in the Desert! Check out all seventeen picture perfect cookies and candies.

For the sweetest fat-free, sugar-free, calorie-free Christmas story, check out Beauty Joy Food's story of "My Christmas". That is, if you don't count the sugar cookies!

- Sweet Treats For January
It's January and while Christmas cookie season is officially over, some of us still need a treat before Valentine's Day rolls around.... When I was offered samples of Almondina cookies I was happy to accept. I'm already a big fan of these...

- Mondays With Maida - Uppakra
Page 186 in the old book / page 216 in the new book If only these had come up a week earlier in the rotation! These pretty little Swedish cookies are rich and crumbly and would be perfect included in an assortment of Christmas cookies. With their buttery...

- My Christmas Cookies - 2006
This year's Christmas cookies are all out of the house now, but here's my little round-up of what I made and what I thought of them. Usually there are three or more cookies that I repeat from year to year, but this year I decided to try all new...

- Beth's Bbm3 Package
Look what Beth got... Hi Cathy: I received my BBM3 package from Hannah of In her letter she told me that her favorite holiday is definitely Christmas, and the contents of the package certainly reflected that! She included yummy chocolate...

- She Just Doesn't Charge Enough!
My Mom really wanted to send down some cookies for Matt. But, she was so swamped over the Christmas holiday, she didn't really feel like it. Still, she wanted him to have cookies, and when she thought about it, realized they were exactly Alex-sized. ...

