Recipe for Happiness

Recipe for Happiness

  1. Buy some artisan bacon from a smokehouse so good that when people visit the town it's in, they pack empty coolers just to fill with bacon. Roundmans Smokehouse is a good choice (search for "Roundmans" on that page, the listed website doesn't work).
  2. Have a co-worker bring you some fresh, ripe tomatoes from his garden.
  3. Buy some organic Romaine lettuce and an Acme Bread Herb Slab, a flat rectangular bread spiked with fragrant herbs.
  4. Preheat oven to 400°. Slice tomatoes. Wash lettuce.
  5. Make some mayonnaise with a big clove of hardneck garlic, the most flavorful subgenre of garlic breeds.
  6. Slice the Herb Slab into pieces that look about sandwich size. Then cut horizontally through the crumb to separate the top and bottom.
  7. Brush the crumb side of all the Herb Slab pieces with olive oil, sprinkle with kosher salt, and put crust side down on a sheet pan. Toast in the oven until brown, about 17 minutes.
  8. Gently fry thick bacon slices over medium heat, flipping occasionally. Run back and forth through the apartment to get the most exposure to the intoxicating smell. When bacon is cooked, lay on a plate lined with paper towels. Reserve bacon grease in pan to use for hash browns the next night.
  9. Spread mayonnaise on all the Herb Slab toasts. Lay one toast down, put bacon on top, then lettuce, then tomato slices. Top with another toast
  10. Serve with a bottle of Txakolina, a crisp, very slightly effervescent white wine from Northern Spain's Basque country that smells and tastes like a fruit-laden apple tree on a stony outcrop just after a cleansing rainstorm.
The best way to cook good ingredients: as simply as possible.

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