Random News Bits

Random News Bits

A couple of food-related news items I've noticed in the last couple days.

- Vinegar Is Coming For Your Children!
An article in the San Francisco Chronicle says, "Eating just one tablespoon a day of some vinegars can raise a young child's lead level by more than 30 percent, modeling requested by the news service shows." Which "some vinegars"? According to the...

- Boxed Wine
Recently, Melissa and I offered to bring wine to a casual birthday party. She texted me from The Spanish Table: She had bought a wine we had tasted before, Alandra's simple, fruity, friendly red table wine, but she had bought it in a box. (She also...

- Moving Day
Melissa and I recently decided to do something about our wine collection. It was not ideal, probably like the wine collections of most relatively new wine enthusiasts (odd as it sounds, I've only been into wine for about two years; it has been said...

- Guest Contributor Derrick Schneider...
The current issue of The Wine News features an article by me about old vine wine (primarily Zinfandel). Longtime readers will note the irony of me writing about California wines. I tend to agree with the sentiment that California wine is more about...

- Wine And Cheese
So I've been advocating white wine with most cheeses for a little while now, which goes against the normally accepted pairings. Melissa and I tried this after I saw a couple of good sources argue for it, and we've been pretty happy with our experiments....

