Product Review: Fruity Cheerios

Product Review: Fruity Cheerios

From time to time, I'm contacted to test and review products. I do this not to make money, or to make a name for myself, but simply because I enjoy trying new things.

Recently, I was asked if I'd be interested in Fruity Cheerios.

I said yes, and the box arrived the next day.

Now, I'm already a fan of Cheerios. Unfotunately, I'm in the minority in our family. Alex, who's at least willing to taste just about anything even if he won't continue eating it, refuses to eat Cheerios. Matt thinks they taste like sawdust. Huh.

Me, I like them. I've always liked them. Which is odd, considering the very tight reign my mom held over our breakfast-eating habits as kids. Our cereal cabinet held Cheerios, and Kix, and Wheaties and Total and Grapenuts on a regular basis. It was a treat if we got Rice Chex!

No sugar cereals, ever. (Of course, once I was out of the house, all the rules seemed to bend or break, and my little sisters were eating sugar-coated everything.)

Despite the more obvious urge to rebel, I do in fact enjoy 'good for you' cereals. I always keep an enormous box of Cheerios in the house, and have it most mornings.

We don't really feed Alex the sugary stuff, either, although with all the cereal choices out there today, it's easier to find healthy and naturally sweetened options than when I was a kid.

So, when the box came, Alex & I gave Fruity Cheerios the oh-so important snack test.

Flaked cereal rarely competes in this test. Flakes just aren't much fun for snacking.

But the Fruity Cheerios? Oh, they did just fine.

I was really impressed at how good it tastes. Seriously. My tolerance for sweetened food is in a constant state of depreciation. I worried it would be sugar-overload.

But no! This stuff is good. Fruity, genuinely fruity, from, you know...fruit juice. Not overly sweet, but enough to snag the interest of a four year old.

We snacked on a couple of handfuls that night, then had it in milk the next morning. Again, the Fruity Cheerios were good. Didn't get too soggy, the colors didn't bleed out too much, and still a really good flavor.

I liked them, sure. But more importantly, Alex liked them. Even Matt agreed they were pretty tasty, and would eat them for breakfast.

That's high praise, indeed.

Blog Party#22 is here, and this month, we're taking on the Wild, Wild West!
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Entries are due Thursday, 17 May; you can leave a comment here, or email your links to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Breakfast + Cereal + Cheerios + Review

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