Play Games, Order Another Round Of Drinks

Play Games, Order Another Round Of Drinks

Two of the most convivial activities are eating and playing games, so why not combine them? The current issue of GAMES Magazine has an article about two restaurants that mix playing and plating. Both focus on electronic games, not good board games.

The first part of the article focuses on Nolan Bushnell—inventor of Pong and the founder of both Atari and Chuck E. Cheese's—and his new uWink chain of restaurants. Tables and bar seats have terminals where customers order food and play games as teams. Bushnell wants to franchise the model and envisions nationwide tournaments.

The second half covers the blue turtle, which sounds like it has more advanced electronic games. The restaurant is run by the for-profit arm of the not-for-profit Mystic Aquarium, and the proceeds go to the aquarium's education and research programs.

The article doesn't offer restaurant reviews, but I'm suspicious of a chain from the guy who brought us Chuck E. Cheese's. The plate of food from the blue turtle looks at least a step above bar food: The dish looks like it has grilled salmon, blanched veggies, and home fries.

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