Picture Meme

Picture Meme

I saw this over at Alice's, and it looks like fun!

Here's what you have to do:

Do a Google image search of the following and post the first (or favorite) result for each:
* The name of the town where you were born
* The name of the town where you live now
* Your name
* Your grandmother's name (just pick one)
* Your favorite food
* Your favorite drink
* Your favorite song
* Your favorite smell

Since my hometown is known for just a few things (a good place to view elk herds, buy your powdered metal parts, one-time US target for planned Nazi attack), it seemed appropriate to show a photo, albeit an old one, of the Straub Brewery.
I've run into people all over the country who, upon hearing where I'm from exclaimed, "isn't that where they make Straub Beer?!". Yes, yes it is.

And this is home-sweet-home now. Rather industrial-looking, isn't it? Well, that's just one part, honest.

Good grief! There must be thousands of Stephanie pictures out there...I almost went with Princess Stephanie, but I saw "November Rain" recently, so...

Guess what my dad's mom's name was???


I may not be a teetotaller, but I still prefer to drink these, with some sparkling water.

How many times have I performed this, anyway?


Feel free to play along...

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