Photos to Come

Photos to Come

A huge thank-you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday; I'm the kind of girl who just likes to get cards in the mail....I never need to do anything hearing from all of you positively made my day!

So many birthday wishes here on the blog, a bunch of e-cards (aren't they terribly useful?), a call from an old friend, and a lovely evening with my guys.

Matt kept asking me what I wanted to do for my birthday. I, of course, hadn't a clue.

Finally, I decided I wanted a 'nice' dinner. Which meant he'd need to cook: there's 'nice' and then there's veg-friendly. Combining the two, along with my pickiness, means that unless we're back at the Dromoland Castle dining room, or possibly Fleur dy Lys, fancy/vegetarian/Stephanie-approved food is simply impossible to find around here.

Because I asked for it, Matt prepared a vegetarian Italian wedding soup (we had a veggie version at our wedding, which marked the first time I'd had it over six years. Another four years have passed!), which was quite good, I had seconds. He also made a Gruyere-based, yet considerably lower-fat, scalloped potato dish. Very yummy. And he got creative with the entree, wrapping my faux chicken breast in yuba skin!

There was also a cheesecake, but because he got such a late start on it, we'll only be cutting it tonight. The smell, though? Divine.

And my husband truly knows me, because every gift was on the mark. He started out by giving me a bag of Fleur de Sel, which I'd been looking everywhere for. I'm so excited! Makes me want to work with chocolate this weekend.

Then, he gave me a copy of Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale's Batman: The Long Halloween, and I can't wait to get started on it.

Matt then put together (finally, Kevin!) a photo-box, so my fancy lights have somewhere to hang out. I'm stoked; maybe now my photos won't suck quite so much.

Next came...woo-hoo!...a chocolate fountain. No fooling.

I'd been wanting one of these since...forever. I can't fit an enrober into my house, so this will the next-best thing! Again, makes me want to work with chocolate this weekend!

Once the photo box was completed, Matt was pointing out various points of use, then mentioned there was a gadget in the drawer which might help with picture-taking (photo box sitting on top of an old chest of drawers). I opened it up...and shrieked, I think.

Because best of all? I got a new camera!!!!!!!!!

It's a real camera, from a well-known brand. It has a macro setting, and a lens cover! It's...nice. I'm still figuring out how to use it, but I'm pretty much walking around with happy feet.

My in-laws also gave me some lovely, mini springform, tart pans, which I hope to get some use out of soon.

And to top it off? The Steelers won the first game of the NFL season!

Alex also made (with Grandmom's assistance) a very beautiful card for me, and he spent the entire day giving me hugs and kisses, and singing the birthday song to me.

I've never been a big party gal; low-key works for me. This may be one of the best birthdays I've had in years.

I had my husband and son showering me with affection, a very tasty dinner (you know how much better food tastes when you don't have to cook it!), and surprising and much-appreciated gifts.

Thank you to all, for making this one so memorable!

Blog Party#14 is here, and this month we're having a Kid's Party! Fun, cute, dainty, gross, wacky and whimsical...your appetizers and drinks are for the little ones. Tell a friend! Post your dishes no later than Thursday, 21 September...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 23rd, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Birthdays + Personal + Vegetarian

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