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Photo Not Available

There should be a drool-inducing photo of a fabulous Guacamole Salad here, but I continue to fight with Blogger.

This is the main reason I've not posted in some time: I simply cannot get the photos uploaded. I fight and fight, and nothing works.

I'm doing my best to get things up, but my patience has been sorely tested...

- 20 Things To Do With Leftover Guacamole
Is there anything sadder than guacamole and no chips? And yet, it happens. Instead of stashing the guacamole in the refrigerator, this list of ideas should get the green out of the bowl and onto your plate! Just remember to season to taste before serving...

- General Mills Photography Studios
At General Mills they do all their own photography on site for packaging, editorial, everything. They have a labyrinth of prop rooms, a photo lab, multiple kitchens and areas set up for photography and post production. Walking into the photo area was...

- Valentine's Ooops!
So, a few months back, I decided I would finally join the popular postcards event that had been going on. I shipped out my Valentine, and waited for the letter carrier to bring one to me. My card arrived early, a few days before Valentine's day....

- Learn From My Mistakes: Puff Pastry Pie Crust
Photo by Melissa Schneider. I promised to bring a tart to a friend's house last night, but I didn't feel like making a crust. Instead, I used puff pastry from the last batch I made. I had seen this idea before, but I wish the suggestion...

- On The Twentyfirst Day Of Christmas: A Photo Essay Of A Day With Loads O' Cake
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } One of my old friends, a chef from one of the restaurants I worked at, recently...

