On The Twentyfirst Day of Christmas: A Photo Essay of a Day with Loads o' Cake

On The Twentyfirst Day of Christmas: A Photo Essay of a Day with Loads o' Cake

One of my old friends, a chef from one of the restaurants I worked at, recently had a crazy idea. It's really like him though, he gets crazy ideas, and that's what makes him so much fun to hang around.

This time, it involved cake, and a group of people loving cakes. To be specific, we're about 200 people who's all joined a group called "Team Kagemand" (team cake man, literally) on Facebook (what, you're not caught in there yet?). We fight for the good cake - those with REAL, proper, ingredients. No butter substitutes. No strawberries in the dead of winter. Good chocolate. Fresh nuts. No plastic-wrapped monstrosities from the back of the rack. Homemade, with love. That's what we're all about.

And two weeks ago, a couple of us met up, all bearing - cakes. Only 14 of us came, but I think that was probably a good thing - I couldn't imagine the tummy ache I might have had otherwise... Hopefully, this was only the beginning of Team Kagemand's adventures...

I was trying to put some advice from Lara to good use. I most definitely have issues with my whitebalance and that yellow hue, and generally, why are people moving about when I'm in the proces of taking a picture? But just having her advice in the back of my head made me think about what kind of pictures I was going for, and being conscious about my camera and where I point it is something I need to work on. I can't help but feel that too much mucking about with the photos afterwards isn't what I'm going for. Besides, I'm not very skilled in the editing department, either. Hopefully, I'll learn. Baby steps... :)

- Yes, I Have Fallen
.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } ... out of the NaBlop-loop! Too much work, yesterday and today, and too much wanting...

- Here!
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