

Videoblogger ze frank demonstrates how to make a pankegg, "not quite a pancake, not quite an egg." The demonstration is near the end of the video, so skip ahead if you'd like.

- Double Blue Pancakes Recipe
Summertime is when all sorts of berries appear. Strawberries first, then raspberries and blueberries and eventually blackberries. Right now you can buy big baskets of blueberries for only a couple of dollars. They are sweet and turn your tongue blue...

- Dutch Baby:recipe
A couple of times on vacation Lee and I have gone out for Dutch pancakes. We like having them for breakfast, but it turns out in Holland the Dutch don't actually eat pancakes for breakfast. Needless to say, we've suffered through some very long...

- Dinner With Frank & Dinah
When setting up the menu for the month, I decided to try out a recipe for Romaine Salad with Avocado "Caesar" Dressing (which, ultimately, wasn't anything exciting). I wanted something kind of traditional to go with, and started hitting the 'retro/oldies'...

- Farm-raised Wild Boar
Jack impelled me to catch up with my Bloglines backlog and read this detailed Frank Bruni post about the "wild" items you find on a restaurant menu. Guess what? They're not....

- Here, Chickie, Chickie
My friend Chris sent me an ad for the E-Z Catch Harvester from Bright Coop. The movie ("Click here to watch the video") is the thing to watch, though you should refrain if you prefer to be in denial about food processing. It's possible the video looks...

