Not Sure if I should be Proud, or Embarrassed...

Not Sure if I should be Proud, or Embarrassed...

My uncle sent this link to me...I thought, 'surely, this is a joke, right?'; but alas, it's true!

DuBois, PA, meat-market manufactures peanut-butter hot dogs

DuBois was the nearest 'big city' to my hometown of St. Marys, about a half-hour drive.

My first reaction was something along the lines of 'this is sick and wrong'. But hey; who knows?

But I was a little concerned about the kid who started all this: apparently, he eats everything smothered in peanut butter. And he's less than...svelte.

- Thai Kitchen Disaster!
Disaster strikes. Sometimes things do go terribly wrong in the kitchen. I started out simply looking for a recipe for Thai peanut sauce online. I usually just mix peanut butter and coconut milk and add some soy sauce, fish sauce and brown sugar to taste....

- Mondays With Maida - Chocolate And Peanut-butter Crescents
Page 216 in the old book / page 241 in the new book You might be thinking, "What's with the thumbprints, aren't these supposed to be crescents?" Yes, yes, that's true and as you can see, I did make some crescents, but the dough was painfully...

- Mondays With Maida - Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Cookies
Page 143 in the old book / page 177 in the new book Another plain, but very good cookie. The twist here is that raw sugar is used, which contributes to the crunchy, crumbly texture of the cookies. I used a natural style peanut butter again for these...

- Ok Art – This One’s For You…
Chocolate and Peanut Butter Ripples I’ve been in the mood to bake lately, but until today just hadn’t found the right excuse. Yesterday I got an email from a friend saying there was nothing he could eat in “my little kitchen”. So, I looked...

- Nothing Like The Smell Of Peanut Butter To Start The Day...
Haven't had much time, or inclination, really, to make breakfast foods for Matt lately. But Wednesday morning, around 1:30 (don't even ask what I was doing up at that hour), I decided I was fed up with myself for not baking anything, turned the...

