My Quest for the Perfect Fried Chicken

My Quest for the Perfect Fried Chicken

I was going to use this for my IMBB? entry, but as I only found out about it two days before the just wasn't worth the effort.

I don't exactly know why, but I am determined to find just the right fried chicken.

We never had fried chicken when I was young; my mom sent us down the straight-and-healthy path from the very beginning. No fried foods in our house.

But my friends? And grandparents? Fried was the word. I come from a town where funnel cakes are expected at all festivals and fairs...

Being a Catholic town (founded by German settlers seeking freedom from religious persecution), you can't throw a stick without hitting some bar or restaurant selling fish fries (and my devout grandmother who insists on having fish fries outside of Lent, as well. Each and every Friday.).

We even had a fried chicken place; Crispy Chicken. Being stuck in my 'eat an apple if you're hungry' family, I only once had a chance to try their fried chicken. I remember liking it, though...

And we don't fry a lot here, either. Not that I shun all fried foods; that's not the case. It's just such a hassle to do it. And I really hate the clean-up!

That said, I really am on the hunt for the perfect fried chicken. A week or so ago, I caught an episode of Tyler's Ultimate where he searched for the best fried chicken...and came up with three.

I copied all three, and started with this, the easiest. With all the raving Tyler did, you'd think would be the most incredible chicken experience of all time; guess again.

Boring. Not much flavor. I mean, you fry the chicken with onions...that should impact the flavor, right?


So, this one down; two more to go.

- Crispy Panko Mustard Chicken Recipe
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- My Quest For The Perfect Fried Chicken---take 3
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- My Quest For The Perfect Fried Chicken---take 2
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- Crispy!
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- Fried Chicken, Part 2
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