My New Favorite Plum

My New Favorite Plum

Actually, I'm not sure I had a favorite before. I preferred red to black, but the grocery store never described them in any more detail, much less named them. But at the farmer's market everything's got a name, and this beauty is called Elephant Heart. Sweet, tangy, and unbelievably juicy, with gorgeous red flesh. I got three in a basket of mixed plums, but you can bet I'm going to buy a whole basket of them next week!

- Thai Sticky Rice
Before I ever went to Thailand I was very fond of mango and sticky rice. In fact, when Lee and I would order Thai food to be delivered to our home, our choice of restaurants would often be influenced by which one had mango and sticky rice on the menu....

- A Sad Day
I had a hint this was coming two weeks ago when I overheard one vendor telling another about some incident involving a dog and saying that dogs were to be banned from the market. I had assumed at the time that they were discussing a market other than...

- Red-hued Bounty
Finally. It wasn't till the end of August, but we finally got 'round to the Farmer's Market. I'd love to shop daily for farm-fresh produce, but we simply don't have that option. The good market here is open Tuesday and Friday, and...

- For A Good Cause
One of my favorite companies, (they supplied the majority of our wedding/reception candles, and we had a lot of candles!), has put together the Hope of Katrina Candle Gift Set. For every five-piece gift basket sold, two dollars will go...

- Grammar For Foodies
I don't have the energy to participate in the they're/their, your/you're, and it's/its battles. I have resigned myself to flinching at the homophonic hiccups that pepper everyone's text, flying under the radar of spell checkers and...

