For a Good Cause

For a Good Cause

One of my favorite companies, (they supplied the majority of our wedding/reception candles, and we had a lot of candles!), has put together the Hope of Katrina Candle Gift Set.

For every five-piece gift basket sold, two dollars will go to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief, and another one dollar will be earmarked for City of Hope for Breast Cancer Research.

The price is excellent, the basket makes a great gift (and would be perfect for keeping!), and you'd be supporting some worthy causes. And come on...who can resist candles?!

- Parmigiano Reggiano Night & Giveaway!
Parmigiano Reggiano display at Eataly, NYC Last year I wrote about my visit to a Parmigiano cheese maker and about Parmigiano Reggiano Night. This year, Parmigiano Reggiano Night is happening again. I’ve written something...

- Feeling Lucky?
Lots of winning opportunities this week. First off, over $4000... $10,000 has been raised over at a Menu for Hope. That's fantastic, but there are so many gifts that not everything has gotten a nod yet. Lots of books perfect for gift-giving, plenty...

- Do You Fondue?
Another out-of-season dinner; fondue! I tasted fondue for the very first time not long after I moved to California. Matt, who continues to open my eyes to so many wonderful cuisines, took me to a fabulous little place in Berkeley, Fondue Fred. The atmosphere...

- Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe
There are tons of options when it comes to baking chocolate chip cookies and mixing ingredients up is a great way to make the same old chocolate chip cookie a little bit special. Many recipes can be found in various baking cook books and you can even...

- A Question Of Integrity
The other day, one of the wine makers I mentioned in my recent Paso Robles article wrote and asked for my shipping address. They wanted to send me a package. I asked what it was, because (as I said to them) I'm wary about packages from wine makers...

