

Alright; that may be a bit of an exaggeration...

Saturday's dinner: sweet corn on the cob, couscous with roasted pecans, and Moon Over Maui Shrimp: a kebab of vegetarian shrimp (and chicken), marinated in white wine, pineapple juice, olive oil, garlic, onion and parsley, wrapped in vegetarian bacon and grilled.

Good stuff! The recipe came from a cookbook I bought not long ago, Retro Luau, from Collector's Press (while you can order the book through Amazon, I personally prefer to buy from this small and quirky publisher).

It had a decent flavor; not over-powering (although we did not let the 'meats' marinate as long as required), and the 'bacon'-wrapping was a perfect accompaniment.

I've found a lot of fabulous recipes in these 'Retro...' books, and if they continue to be as good as this one, we'll keep on buying them.

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