Meet the Cardens

Meet the Cardens

Matthew and Jennifer Carden are smart, fun and just amazingly talented. I've gotten to know both of them through the San Francisco Professional Food Society.

Jennifer is a cook and wrote the book The Toddler Cafe which has inventive recipes that even toddler-less me wants to make! There is a great version of salsa made with fruit and balsamic vinegar, panko and parmesan crusted chicken strips and mint and pea popsicles. Of course Matthew did all the photography, and all the recipes have way cool names. For you moms, be sure to check out Jennifer's blog in addition to the book.

The Toddler Cafe

Matthew has helped out quite a bit doing event photography for the Food Society and does wonderful food photography as well as homes and gardens. But it's his "we are what we eat" series that puts a smile on my face. He's created a world that seems like The Borrowers have infiltrated the garden...
broccoli crown

the cheese shop....
Humboldt fog

the bakery...sprinkles

and the kitchen...sun dried apricots
Head to his site to see more, and enjoy!

- Why Do You Cook, Matthew Amster-burton?
Photo credit: Lara Ferroni Matthew Amster-Burton doesn't post photos and doesn't blog all that often, but his writing at Roots and Grubs is enlightening, honest and often very funny. He's a dad who cooks which is somewhat rare in the food...

- Cookbooks For Families & The Cocktail Set
An odd combination, I know, but I promised something for everybody! I'm sure after the kids go to bed there are plenty of parents who could use a cocktail. Even though I don't have kids, I know when recipes appeal to the kid in me. The books...

- Bits And Bites
Culinate is a terrific new food site. It's about food but also about where food comes from and the decisions we make about what to buy and what to eat. It manages to be credible but never preachy. Articles and reviews are often thought-provoking...

- Bbm#4: Busy Mailman
Just to remind me of the way the world works: Wednesday morning, the trash gets picked up. Wednesday afternoon, I get three packages...and lots of packing material! Oh, well... One of my packages was a batch of books that I now must find time to read....

- Shf:istbe # 1: White Chocolate
A whatta?! You might say - but hey, it's just short for the newest IMBB?-spin-off - Sugar High Fridays: the International Sweet Tooth Blogging Extravaganza! as proposed by our very own Domestic Goddess, Jennifer. As the inventor of this very short-named...

