SHF:ISTBE # 1: White Chocolate

SHF:ISTBE # 1: White Chocolate

A whatta?! You might say - but hey, it's just short for the newest IMBB?-spin-off - Sugar High Fridays: the International Sweet Tooth Blogging Extravaganza! as proposed by our very own Domestic Goddess, Jennifer. As the inventor of this very short-named event, and host this time at least, Jennifer decided our first endeavour should be in: white chocolate - that chocolate that's not really chocolate, yet at least as addictive as the dark kind! Personally, I can't wait! So come on and join the fun! Anyone and everyone is welcome!

for further info, go to Jennifer's page...

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- Chocolate Dinner, Part 2?
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- Shf: Istbe # 2: Apples!
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- Shf:istbe # 1: White Chocolate - White Chocolate Soufflées
The natural progression of the IMBB?-events for those among us with a sweet tooth had to come - Sugar High Fridays! I mean, how could we not? Cleverly thought by Jennifer, who also judged that white chocolate had to be our starting off point. I'm...

