Sugar High Fridays: Black and Sticky

Sugar High Fridays: Black and Sticky

MolassesHere's some food blogosphere trivia for y'all. Name the first blogger to host three of the many events in the food-blogging community. It's not me, but as of today I am the first person to host Is My Blog Burning?, Wine Blogging Wednesday, and —drumroll, please—Sugar High Friday, the monthly dessert-themed food blogging event created by the lovely and charming Jennifer at Domestic Goddess.

I'm surprised anyone let me host again given my history of difficult themes: terrines for IMBB and New World Riesling for WBW. Jennifer suggested one theme when she emailed me, "You are more than welcome to do an alcohol-related theme if you desire...." What's that supposed to mean?

But I'm going a different route. Molasses, the thick and sticky byproduct of sugar production. You can use any kind of molasses, from light to blackstrap. You could even use pomegranate molasses or some more exotic breed if you'd like. Brits can substitute treacle (dark or light). Go crazy with this smoky-flavored and somewhat bitter ingredient. I would only caution you against having too much on hand.

Here are the guidelines. On April 22, publish a post about a dessert you made that features molasses, and send me the link. You don't have to make the dessert on April 22, you just have to post about it then. All bloggers are welcome, whether you write about food, wine, or album covers. And you don't even have to be a blogger: If you don't have a blog, send me your post and I'll host it on this site. We'd love to see a picture, because we all like looking at desserts, and I know your creation will be lovely. And, depending on how you feel about posting other people's recipes, we'd love a recipe so we can all reproduce the dessert in our own homes.

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