Malted Milk Rounds

Malted Milk Rounds

I like to think of it as training. Marathon runners practice for the big race; running miles and miles each day. Competitive eaters shove as much food as they can down their gullets. Professional thumb wrestlers engage anyone who comes within two feet of them in a match.

For people like me, I bake.

I bake 'non-essential' cookies in the days and weeks leading up to the main event: Christmas.

Because this holiday season? Provided I don't become deathly ill as I did last year, I'm going to have trays loaded with twenty different kinds of cookies and desserts.

So, to get my baking muscles into shape, I whipped up some Malted Milk Rounds, another recipe from Betty Crocker's Cooky Book.

Malted milk powder is used in both the cookie and the frosting; next time (if I ever get 'round to making them again), I'm using chocolate malt powder in the frosting.

The cookies are very malt-y; they're about the texture of a firm sugar cookie. The frosting is fairly sweet, and quite rich (it ought to be, with both brown and powdered sugars in it), creamy rather than sugary. And it sets nicely, too.

Matt likes them, and he was the reason I made them.

Alex enjoyed them, too...but when doesn't a kid like a cookie that's bigger than his own hand?

Tagged with
Food and Drink, Cookies, Baking

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