La Cocina Gift Fair is Today!

La Cocina Gift Fair is Today!

La Cocina Gift Fair
La Cocina is hosting a holiday gift fair where you will have a chance to try and buy lots of wonderful things from participants in their food business incubator program and other local entrepreneurs.

Some of my favorites not to miss are Clairesquares for chocolate covered crunchy "flapjack" oat bars, Kika’s Treats for chocolate covered caramelized graham crackers, Love and Hum­mus Co for delectable organic hummus, Sajen for spicy and healthy Indone­sian drinks. In addition, Marcia Gagliardi will be there signing copies of her terrific book, The Tablehopper's Guide to Dining and Drinking in San Francisco.

In my experience, food gifts are some the most appreciated gifts of all. In this case you'll also be supporting low-income entrepreneurs in our community and helping turn them into successful business owners.

Where: Mis­sion Cul­tural Cen­ter for Latino Arts
2868 Mission Street between 24th and 25th St., San Francisco

When: Fri­day, Decem­ber 10th, 4PM — 9PM

Com­ing? RSVP on Facebook

Vendors also include: Liga Masiva – Cof­fee and Teas | Deli­cias Sal­vadore­nas – Sal­vado­ran Pas­tries | Estrellita’s Snacks – Yucca and Plan­tain Chips | Neo Cocoa – Truf­fles | Sabores del Sur – Alfa­jores and Empanadas | Onig­illy – Japan­ese Snacks | Pick-A-Peck Pick­les – Pick­les | 18 Rea­sons – Classes for Food Lovers | De La Paz – Cof­fee and Teas | End­less Sum­mer Sweets – Ket­tle Corn and Caramel Apples | En Vie Nat­u­rals – Bath and Body Prod­ucts | Kim Jensen Mosaics – Arti­san Mosaics | J. Telford Tex­tiles – Dec­o­ra­tive Tex­tiles | Meat­pa­per – Mag­a­zines and Posters | Mimi McCurry’s – Chimichurri | Mix­coatl – Mex­i­can Arti­san Crafts | Rub­ber Ducky Soap Co – Bath and Body Prod­ucts | Spiffy Mutts – Pet Fash­ion | Stone­house Olive Oil – Olive Oils | Sweets Col­lec­tion – Mex­i­can Gel­latins | 3 Fish Stu­dios – Art Prints | Urban Bazaar – Kitchen­wares | Yvonne’s South­ern Sweets – Pra­lines and Cook­ies | Mex­ico by Hand – Mex­i­can Kitchen­wars and Crafts | House Kom­bucha – Kom­bucha | and more…

I hope to see you there!

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