Just Like 7th Grade Home Ec Used to Make

Just Like 7th Grade Home Ec Used to Make

Forgive the crappy picture! Bad lighting, still no photo-box (Matt promises it's coming soon), bad camera.

Sticking with 'some sort of made-at-home, take-out style food' for Fridays (SciFi goes well with that sort of thing, you know), instead of pizza, I had a sudden urge for stromboli.

I first discovered stromboli during a seventh-grade Home Economics class, and I've loved it ever since.

I haven't had stromboli in years, so I searched till I found a recipe I liked.

Easy as can be: a fairly basic dough, topped with whatever meats and cheeses you want, rolled up, scored, brushed with an egg wash and baked.

Not world-class cuisine, by any stretch, but still fairly good.

Matt had salami, pepperoni and prosciutto, with mozzarella and Provolone; mine was veggie ham, veggie bacon and veggie pepperoni, with the same cheeses.

Perfect for snacking on, while watching Stargate!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Stromboli + Cheese + Pepperoni + Vegetarian + Sci-Fi + Stargate

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