Focaccia Farcita

Focaccia Farcita

Because what I really need is another cookbook...

Latest arrival from Zooba, Italy in Small Bites, by Carol Field.

It's an 'ok' book; of course my biggest and first complaint: no pictures! When will cookbook authors learn that we want to see photos of the food we're about to make?

There weren't too many 'ooh, I really gotta make that' recipes, but several worth giving a the very least.

So Tuesday's dinner: a cheese and prosciutto (or veggie bacon) filled focaccia.

We both prefer my old stand-by focaccia, a recipe from Jamie Oliver, but this one was ok.

After the focaccia is baked, slice it horizontally and layer with a nice, melty cheese and your choice of pancetta or prosciutto (or veggie substitute). Pop it back in the oven for a few more minutes, until cheese melts.

It was a nice, filling, dish. And as the recipe (and Matt) suggested, it would make a great appetizer. Just not with their focaccia recipe!

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