I'll Never Be a Pastry Chef

I'll Never Be a Pastry Chef

Today was my in-law's 42nd wedding anniversary. To celebrate, I decided to make them something spectacular (as Matt said when arrived at their house "if you didn't know I was bringing something like this, you haven't been paying attention").

After some searching, I decided on a sixteen-layer chocolate cake.

I will never be comfortable with this sort of recipe...the genoise had me extremely tense. So much so, that after my dissatisfaction with one layer, I declared the cake would now be an 8-layer, and not sixteen...

With that out of the way, and accepting that my cake would never look like Chef Puck's, I made the mousse and ganache.

For a little extra 'oomph', I decorated with chocolate-covered coffee beans.

While it didn't look perfect, it was a success. My MIL said it's her favorite, of everything I've ever made!

So, even though I'll never go pro, I can still make people happy. And after all, isn't that what it's all about?

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