Happy Birthday, Superman!

Happy Birthday, Superman!

Also known as 'The Best Pie I Have Ever Made'.

I like to think of myself as a fairly accomplished baker. Breads, cakes...it doesn't really matter what it is, I know I can make it.

Except for pies.

I didn't really grow up with pies. The requisite pumpkin offering at Thanksgiving, perhaps. But it just wasn't something that was a part of my life.

So I suppose I shied away from them, initially, simply because pies weren't a top priority.

But Matt likes pies. Turns out Alex does, as well.

So I started making pies.

And I discovered that there was a baked good that I couldn't crack.

You know, except when the crust did.

Pies became that 'thing'. The recipe I dreaded. Or (almost!) feared.

But I kept trying. Different versions, different methods. Some were better, others added nothing.

Pies. My baking nemesis.

February 29 is the birthday of Kal-el, also known as Superman. While only celebrating your birthday every four years would basically stink for the average human, it works out well for the Kryptonian hero: he's going to live a really, really long time!

And when I think of Superman, the phrase "Mom, the Flag & Apple Pie" comes to mind.

So, to celebrate the day, I wanted to bake an apple pie. Except, well...you read the first part of this post, right?

So I went looking for help.

I turned to Gesine Bullock Prado, who just happens to be working on a new book called Pie it Forward. Coincidence? I think not.

She pointed me to a video in which she makes a Wild Blueberry Pie & I watched it. Three times.

And I honestly felt I could do this.

Guess what?

I did!!

Holy cow; this is the best pie I've ever made. The crust...it actually rolled. The way it's supposed to!
It was easy, it worked perfectly.

The filling was more or less made up on the spot; Granny Smith apples, brown sugar, ground cinnamon, nutmeg & ginger, a pinch of salt & some lemon juice.

Oh...& yeah. The pie crust? Had to sport that familiar 'S' shield for the birthday boy.

So have a slice of pie today & wish Supes a good day.

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