Forget those Self-Adhesives...

Forget those Self-Adhesives...

If I could only get my hands on these Australian stamps...

Haagen-Dazs-flavored stamps? Seriously???


I know I'm not the first to blog about this, but it's just too good to ignore.

So...any Aussies want to send some over? Preferably un-licked, thank you...

- Tasty Bites
Happy Friday! Here are some links to posts and a sneak peek at next week. Have you been reading my posts over at GlamDish? You really should. I'm posting four days a week and in addition to recipes and hot tips, there are also contests! Visit today...

- Free Häagen-dazs Ice Cream Tomorrow!
When it comes to ice cream I can be pretty fussy. I like creamy versus chunky and I have a weakness for rich decadent flavors. So a few years ago when Häagen-Dazs introduced Dulce de Leche ice cream I was in heaven. I'd describe it as deliciously...

- Blogging By Mail: Little Things Mean A Lot
It's back!!! The much-beloved, International blog swap is back for another round. Bloggers from all over the globe are sending goodies to fellow foodies from near and far, and it's a lot of fun. An event created by Nic of Baking Bites, I've...

- Bbm Package Has Arrived...and I'm A Tim Tams Convert.
For me, the weirdest part of Blogging by Mail is selecting the blogger who will send something to me. I could play favorites, but I don't. I try to be fair, and match everyone based on compatibility. It's still strange, though, to tell someone...

- Markets Of Paris
I would like to give Markets of Paris the review it deserves. I would spend a week in the City of Light, visiting the markets open on each day. Then I would tell you if Dixon and Ruthanne Long's 500-word descriptions do justice to each market's...

