Farmers Market

Farmers Market

The way I was gushing about the Union Square Greenmarket, you’d think I didn’t have a farmers market closer to home. There are a couple of small markets close by, but my favorite local farmers market is FreshFarm Market at Dupont Circle in Washington, DC. It is held every Sunday year-round, and is a “producers only” market where the vendors are required to produce everything they sell.

It’s a bit of a schlep for me – it takes about an hour each way. I drive to the Metro station and then take the subway into town. Since it is such a distance, I haven’t had much success bringing flowers home. The fruits and vegetables, though, are well worth the trip.

Today was my first visit this year. There were already field grown tomatoes available (though not the many varieties that appear later in the summer), as well as corn, peaches, plums, beans, squash, cucumbers, and much more. There were some new vendors, including one selling bread and other baked goods, but I recognized many of the others from last year.

I tend to buy too much when I go. I do have to carry everything I buy, though, so there (fortunately) is a limit. Today I came home with a loaf of bread, corn, rhubarb, several types of cucumbers, several types of squash, tomatoes, peaches and soap. My refrigerator is stuffed – time to get cooking!

FreshFarm Market at Dupont Circle

So much to choose from!

Cherry tomatoes and wax beans

This is what I came home with today

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