Doubletree Cookies

Doubletree Cookies

My sister-in-law Lori is a bundle of contradictions. She is super smart and yet at times naive, she is successful but lives modestly. Lori is the president and owner of a financial consulting firm that has advised more than 200 California public agencies in the last 15 years; yet she looks after her clients and treats them like she treats her neighbors. In fact when clients come to her office, she serves them lemonade and cookies.

Some time ago Lori instituted the practice of sending out cookies to her clients as a holiday gift. She heard from a couple of her clients that the cookies (which were being sent from a very famous cookie company) sometimes arrived stale. After reading about The Christie Cookie Company in Inc. magazine she gave them a try. Not only were their cookies good and fresh but for a minimal set up fee, they offered the option of sending them in a customized tin with her company logo on it. Now it appears these are Government Financial Strategies cookies. Lori's business is famous all over California for those very cookies. And yours could be too.

Another business famous for it's cookies is the Doubletree hotel chain. If you've ever stayed at the Doubletree hotel, you've eaten a Christie Cookie. Christie Cookie is the sole source of the famous Doubletree chocolate chip cookie, two of which are given to each guest upon check in. Doubletree actually bakes them onsite, so guests can smell that chocolate chip cookie smell wafting through the hotel. One of the nice things about ordering Christie cookies is that just like the cookies you make, their cookies include fresh ingredients, like real eggs, butter, and French chocolate. While their cookies may not actually be homemade, they come awfully close. If you are so inclined you can order Doubletree cookies online.

By the way Christie Cookie was founded by Christie Hauck, and is no relation to the drag performer, Christie Cookies. Though I imagine she might also have some unique ideas for gift giving...

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- 117 Down, 96 To Go…
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