Mondays with Maida - Giant Ginger Cookies

Mondays with Maida - Giant Ginger Cookies

Page 40 in the old book / page 71 in the new book

These truly are giant cookies. I was afraid I was making them too big, but I ended up with a couple more than the 28 that the recipe says it makes. I'd guess that each cookie has over 1/4 cup of dough. Once again, these cookies were amazing the day they were baked. They had a crunchy exterior and were soft on the inside. They are the most strongly spiced of the last several spice cookies, with cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and mustard. They are beautiful mahogany-colored cookies studded with currants and, in addition to the spices, flavored with molasses and coffee.

You might be tempted to make these cookies smaller, but I think that would be a mistake. I expect the inside of the cookies would be harder or at least drier. Better to share one with someone and enjoy the cookie as it was intended.

Although these were well received at work, I was less fond of them the day after baking. The outside had softened up a bit and I think that the flavor may have intensified (is that possible?). I prefer a more mildly spiced cookie, but others in my office seemed to really enjoy these. If you like strongly spiced cookies, I guarantee you'll like these. If you serve them the day they're baked, I think most anyone would find them hard to resist.

Next week – Sunflower Coconut Cookies

Nutrition Facts

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