Do you B-B-Q?

Do you B-B-Q?

Once I realized there was life outside my small town, I began to notice differences.
Mainly, the differences in foods, and food preferences

It could be anything from the 'Pop!' 'Soda!' debate (being from the Northeastern part of PA, I say 'Pop'), to the point of my post: barbecue.

Depending on what part of the country you live in (or hail from), barbecue (or BBQ) means so many different things. There's Kansas City-style, as well as Memphis, Texas, Deep South...heck, where I grew up, if someone said 'come on over, we're having a barbecue', it usually meant hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill, bowls of potato chips, some potato salad and cans of 'Pop!' and bottles of beer chilling in a tub of ice.

It can be so many things...loose meat simmering in a sauce, hunks of meats coated in a 'secret' sauce, a dry rub, roasting for hours (days?) on a grill, or what I knew best: chicken slathered in a bottled sauce!

Matt really enjoys barbecue. There was a place back in Oakland (I think it was on Telegraph) that he really liked; but with me, the non-meat-eater, in his life, he never visited.

I've suggested making our own sauce, but Matt says it's so hard to find just the right kind, you end up eating a lot of subpar sauces along the way.
A couple of years ago, we found a site that sells Everett and Jones sauces...and stocked up.

About a week ago, in an attempt to use the stovetop smoker more often, Matt smoked a pork shoulder. We weren't sure what we were going to do with it, until he decided he wanted to barbecue.

So, I made cole slaw (he likes it, I don't), potato salad (I tried something new, and baked the potatoes instead of boiling them), and while Matt sewed our kitchen curtains, I shredded the pork. Isn't that funny? There we were, in our 1950's kitchen, with total role reversal. Yeah, well...we had a good laugh over it.

Simmer the meat in sauce, and pile onto a role. I'll admit; it smelled pretty good!

Don't you love the retro aluminum tumbler (filled with Jones Soda blue bubblegum POP)? I have about a dozen, in a variety of colors, picked up at the my hometown resale shop.

And for those who are wondering: I had my own version...Morningstar Farms veggie crumbles (fake ground beef) in sauce. Worked pretty well, too.

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- Another New Recipe, And Alex Cooks!
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- Self-tending Bbq
Tired of tending your barbecue for hours and hours and hours? Maybe you should build a self-tending model like the one that Nathan Moore submitted to the Popular Mechanics do-it-yourself rally. It doesn't look too difficult, given the interview and...

