Dining with the Bloggers - October 19th

Dining with the Bloggers - October 19th

Somehow in making the switch from haphazard, checking-when-I-think-of-it blog reading to using Bloglines, Julie's A Finger in Every Pie escaped my notice for a while. But no more, it is on my short list of blogs to check everyday. This is a blog worth reading and savoring.

I love that she has lots of recipes. I love that she has a category** called "Kitchen Disasters". I love her writing. And I love her Mulligatawny Soup.

I'm in the mood for soup these days. Actually, I'm always in the mood for soup. It's a meal in a bowl - simple and comforting. I had never tasted Mulligitawny soup before, but had been curious to try it ever since I first heard of it on the Soup Nazi episode of Seinfeld. For some reason I'd never sought out a recipe for it, but when I was getting caught up with Julie's blog and came across her recipe, I knew I had to try it.

I'm a little slow when it comes to chopping and measuring a long list of ingredients - I blame it on my small kitchen, but I know it's me. This recipe does have a long list, but it's a lot of spices and not too terribly much chopping. The only ingredient you might have trouble finding is tamarind paste. If you've got an Indian grocery nearby, you'll find it there. If not, you could try substituting some lemon or lime juice.

I prepared the soup with chicken stock but no chicken. It also has red lentils, leeks, onions, potatoes, carrots, garlic... Like I said, it's a long list! But the soup is amazing. It's one of those recipes where you puree part of it to create a thick creamy soup with chunks of vegetables. With all those spices, coconut milk, and tamarind paste, there all kinds of flavors to make it even more interesting. It makes a really big batch too - I ate it all week last week (yeah, it really was that good!) and still had some for the freezer.

So get on over to Julie's and print out that recipe. You're going to love this soup.

Zarah is back on-line, but unfortunately her stove is temporarily out of commission (don't worry, the stove is fine - just not hooked up at the moment). She does have a Dining with the Bloggers post planned, but it might be delayed slightly. I'm sure it will be worth waiting for!

**Speaking of categories... if you use Blogger, PLEASE go vote for them to add categories.

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