
Sometimes reading a blog is like making a friend. You get to know them better every time you hang out together. And so it is with This Little Piglet. From reading Lia's blog I know she works for the Food Network and that she's eaten at some of my favorite places in Seattle and at places I'm dying to try in New York. Though she hasn't been blogging long, her recipe index reads like my to do list. There isn't one dish on it that doesn't appeal to me.

I eat soup all year long, but I've got to admit it's especially appealing in Winter. So for those of you in a soup mood, check out The Gracious Bowl, a blog all about soup. Did I mention this blog features a recipe for prosciuttons? Check it out!

Cooking Gadgets. Oh my, why did it take me so long to discover this guilty pleasure of a site? Cooking gadgets is filled with equal parts stuff you long for and stuff you can't help but laugh at...


- Why Do You Cook, Matthew Amster-burton?
Photo credit: Lara Ferroni Matthew Amster-Burton doesn't post photos and doesn't blog all that often, but his writing at Roots and Grubs is enlightening, honest and often very funny. He's a dad who cooks which is somewhat rare in the food...

- Seattle Food Bloggers
Do you know me? If you read my blog with any frequency I bet you feel like you do. I read many blogs from all over the world and consequently feel like I know many bloggers, though I may never have met them in person. It's quite an amazing phenomenon....

- All About Pho
What does it take for a food to become an obsession? Certain foods come to mind, chocolate, barbecue, oysters, and now pho. Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup that has gained in popularity with the rise of Vietnamese restaurants specializing in the dish....

- Tabla:restaurant Closed
In New York, I wanted to eat at some special places, places that New Yorkers really love. Reading the New York Collectors edition of Gourmet magazine, I happened upon a mention of Tabla Bread Bar. I've just recently discovered Indian "chaat" or snack...

- A Food Blog In Comics
Many of you have discovered that I don't keep up with the numerous "check out my site" emails I get. I apologize to everyone who's sent me one and hasn't gotten a response. But when someone pitches you with a personalized comic strip, it catches...

