Citrus and Sushi

Citrus and Sushi

Not in the same dish, thank you veddy much!

First, be sure to check out this month's Sugar High Friday round-up, hosted by Alice of My Adventures in the Breadbox.

Second, please check out the wacky and fabulous Archie McPhee. Among their latest goodies: patterned tape!

Imagine wrapping up your next birthday gift with sushi tape!

Also available: pirates, tiki, Rosie the Riveter, bacon, and more!

I often toy with buying all their fabulous sushi products: wind-ups, deck of cards, bandages, rugs, and tissues!

Oh, come're what? Shocked and surprised? I love me some sushi!

- Sushi News
A shocking revelation! According to a recent article in the New York Times "Food and Drug Administration regulations stipulate that fish to be eaten raw--whether as sushi, sashimi, seviche, or tartare--must be frozen first, to kill parasites." The article...

- Okoze:restaurant
Last night it was too hot to cook and we really weren't that hungry so we went to a new sushi place right around the corner on Union at Hyde--Okoze. Very chic, contemporary Japanese interior in rich earth tones with lots of dark wood, some luxurious...

- Citrus; Sugared And High, On A Friday
Citrus? What a brilliant ingredient to bring us all together this Friday. I adore citrus fruits. I often find myself buying a bag of limes, even if they're not on our grocery list, simply because I know I can always find a use for them. Christmas...

- Sushi For Dinner
I love my husband. In addition to all the other wonderful things about him, he makes me sushi!!!!! We really need to get a bigger tomago pan. Yummy Inari And kappa maki, too All the sushi a girl could eat: ...

- Sushi Bar Video
Put a video camera onto the moving conveyor belt of a sushi bar, and you end up with a portrait of the bar from the sushi's perspective. I find it very touching in a snapshot-of-human-life kind of way. via Heather Champ...

