Sushi for Dinner

Sushi for Dinner

I love my husband. In addition to all the other wonderful things about him, he makes me sushi!!!!!

We really need to get a bigger tomago pan.

Yummy Inari

And kappa maki, too

All the sushi a girl could eat:

- Sushi News
A shocking revelation! According to a recent article in the New York Times "Food and Drug Administration regulations stipulate that fish to be eaten raw--whether as sushi, sashimi, seviche, or tartare--must be frozen first, to kill parasites." The article...

- At Long Last; It's My Turn
I've seen this one going 'round for some time. And I confess I've been a bit hesitatant to join in...I may be the world's worst 'my favorite things' list-maker. Seriously; I am terrible at this. When I'm asked to name my favorite...

- Dine & Dish 6: Amazing Graze; Or Stephanie's 'stuck' With Sushi
I'd been looking forward to the next Dine & Dish event; for starters, it gives me an excuse to get out of the house! But I also look at Sarah's pet project as a chance to try out new restaurants or foods. Last time around, I had Korean food for...

- Sushi At Ginza Japan
John: [pointing to Claire's lunch] What's that? Claire : Sushi. John : Sushi?? Claire : Rice, raw fish, and seaweed. John : You won't accept a guy's tongue in your mouth, and you're going to eat that? Claire : Can I eat? John : I don't...

- Knoville? We Have Sushi.
vegetable roll (asparagus, mayonnaise, and, I think, cucumber and/or avocado), kappa maki and avocado maki, futomaki, bagel roll I'm sure you've heard me lament the whole 'there's no good sushi around here' situation in Knoxville....

