Chorizo & Chickpea Soup

Chorizo & Chickpea Soup

Can't recall where this came from; but apparently, it was good. Substantial & filling. Simple, because that's the current cooking plan.

This is my bi-monthly addition to Deb's Souper Sundays!

We're cranking up the flavor for this month's Blog Party; it's time to Spice it Up!

Hope to see you there.

- Cambodian Chicken & Rice Soup For Souper Sundays
, I like the cooler temperatures a lot more than Matt. My feeling is that you can add more layers to get warm, but when it's hot you can only take off so much to get cool! There's another, and more recent, reason I like this time of the year:...

- Italian Chicken, Bean & Pasta Soup For Souper Sundays
This was a pretty awesome soup. Making stock from the remnants of this roast chicken, & using the recipe for Pasta and Bean Soup from Tom Valenti's Soups, Stews & One-Pot Meals...proscuitto crisped in oil, then lots of veggies, Stock, water, potatoes,...

- Galapagos Turtle
14-inch pan, about two pounds of pecans, dark & rich caramel, a sprinkling of Japanese sea salt, and lots of milk chocolate. I give you one big 'turtle'! This is for my in-law's anniverary, today. The best part of making stuff like this?...

- Creepy Cookies
I think I forgot to share these, back in October. I hate spiders. I mean, I freeze when I see one, and holler for the resident arachnid killer. And I have to say, making these cookies gave me the willies. Forming the cookies wasn't so bad, but once...

- Souper Sundays: Chipotle Chicken Tortilla Soup
Another Sunday, another soup. Another chance to join up with Deb & Souper Sundays. This soup was all for Matt. I think the name explains all. I used this recipe, with a few changes. First, for the broth, I roasted the chicken beforehand, giving it a...

