Chocolate Chili

Chocolate Chili

You know, if I'd been thinking about it, I could have made this for the most recent IMBB. Oh, well...

Moving on to Moosewood Celebrates!, for dinner tonight: Black Bean and Chocolate Chili.

Onions and garlic sauteed in oil till translucent (is it just me, or does that step always seem to take forever?), add celery and chili (sliced and diced)..except I discovered we didn't have a I used chili powder.
Throw in a load of spices (cumin, coriander, clove, cinnamon, oregano),

then black beans, crushed tomatoes in juice, lemon juice and soy sauce.

Simmer, and then add the best ingredient: semi-sweet chocolate chips!

Oh, dear heaven.

This may be the best chili I've had in years (ok, my Grammy's is still my favorite; I just can't eat it these days...what with the beef in it, and all). Thick, but not too thick. Warm. Can a dish taste warm? This one did. Very filling...and so smooth. The chocolate was there, but it didn't overwhelm the dish.
Just incredible.

Add some rapidly prepared, yet tasty, corn muffins, and you've got a wonderful cold-weather meal.

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