Bowls of Chocolate

Bowls of Chocolate

Bread Bowls of Black Bean and Chocolate Chili, that is.

Using a bread bowl recipe from King Arthur Flour, and the Black Bean and Chocolate Chili recipe from one of my Moosewood cookbooks.

All kinds of yummy stuff in this one, including bittersweet chocolate.

Including a little pepper 'heart'!

Isn't it cute?

The bowls, which didn't get as tall as I'd hoped, were fantastic. Wonderful crust, and the filling, which allegedly can be used for bread crumbs, were so darn good, they didn't make it more than an hour past dinner. Yum.

Blog Party#14 is this Saturday, so you only have a few more days to get those entries in! This month, it's all about the kids, which means fun, cute, dainty, gross, wacky and whimsical...your appetizers and drinks are for the little ones. Post your dishes no later than THIS Thursday, 21 September...Early is always good...And get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 23rd, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Chili + Bread + Chocolate + Baking + Moosewood + Vegetarian

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