Chestnuts Roasting on SFist

Chestnuts Roasting on SFist

Chestnuts have started to show up at local farmers' markets, and I decided to write about them for my latest SFist column.

- The Great Scape
Photo by Melissa Schneider. As I delved into the arcana of hardneck garlic for an upcoming Art of Eating piece, I learned about scapes, the stem of a hardneck garlic plant. When I spotted some at a local market, I decided to write about them for...

- Wineparty On Sfist
"It's Tuesday on SFist, and you know what that means, right? Yes you, in the back, waving your arms frantically?" "You're off a week. Your In the Kitchen column is every other week now." "Oh. Good point. Uh... No, wait! I did write for SFist...

- Okra On Sfist
Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. While I'm usually willing to try a new ingredient for the SFist column, facing a vegetable I don't think I like is a bit more daunting. So I was apprehensive about writing about okra for this week's...

- Kohlrabi On Sfist
One of the things I enjoy about my SFist gig is the occasional opportunity to learn about new ingredients. Like, say, kohlrabi. Melissa and I bundled up against a late spring storm and found this vegetable at one of the local markets. Lacking other inspiration,...

- Sfist Tuesday
My latest SFist piece is available here. More posts coming to this site soon (including more about that symposium); I'm just a bit caught up with work (or, not caught up, depending on how you look at it). ...

